Monday, January 19, 2009

Twelve Keys To Effective Churches

Our young Lutheran congregation is meeting this coming Saturday to make plans for the next three years. The members are excited about their future, challenged by the obstacles, but determined to follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit at work through God's Word.

When we get together, I want to introduce them to the work of Dr. Ken Callahan, not because I want us to embrace all of his theology, but because I believe that he has something to teach everyone of us called to bring the Gospel to our communities and the wide world beyond.

I came to know the work of Dr. Callahan about a decade ago. I'm happy to see that he is still leading his Twelve Keys Seminar. He is an Ordained Elder in the United Methodist Church, and has taught for many years at Emory University. His fields of research and teaching include theology of mission, leadership and administration, and giving and finance.
He is the founder of the Center for Continuing Education at Emory’s Candler School of Theology. Dr. Callahan is the founder of the National Certification Program in Church Finance and Administration, providing training and certification for pastors and church administrators. He has received many awards and recognitions, including being elected to the Hall of Fame of the National Association of Church Business Administrators.
His pastoral experience spans rural and urban congregations in Ohio, Texas, and Georgia, and includes small, strong congregations, healthy middle congregations, and large, regional congregations.
What interests me most about Dr. Callahan are his Twelve Keys to an Effective Church. They include the following:
1. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely) Goals
2. Visitation in our community by both the pastor and the laity
3. Dynamic worship
4. Significant relational groups
5. Strong leadership
6. Solid, participatory decision making and streamlined structure
7. Competent programs and activities
8. Open and accessible
9. Highly visible
10. Adequate parking, land
11. Adequate space and facilities
12. Solid financial resources
Our young congregation is going to take a very careful look at these characteristics of effective churches. We will ask ourselves how these characteristics apply to us. We recognize, of course, that Christ grows His church through the proclamation of His Word and the administration of the sacraments. Each of these characteristics must and will be placed against that background as we move forward to bring the Gospel to our community.

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