Sunday, July 5, 2009

The ROH Project

Yesterday was our nation's birthday. In his speech to the nation our president talked about what we have inherited because of the sacrifice and commitment of millions who have gone before us to make this land the envy of people around the world. The USA is to our modern world what Rome was to the world of NT times.

That leads me to another thought: the title and theme of both this Blog and the monthly Ezine posted on our website by the same name speak about heritage. We have inherited so many spiritual blessings because of the labor of those who have gone before us. However, just as eternal vigilance is the price of our national liberty, so vigilance is also the price of our freedom in Christ. This is why several of us began the Reclaiming Our Heritage project, now approaching its second birthday. We believe that the task of Reclaiming Our Heritage in the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a never-ending journey. The world we live in is ever at work, under the leadership of the prince of this world, to erode and destroy this wondrous heritage of grace.

This was further driven home by the growing attention being given to 2012 and apocryphal events connected to it in large parts of the Christian community. Consider, for instance, the millions of books sold in the Left Behind series. July 4, 2009, according to some, was to mark the beginning of a 3 1/2 year countdown to Dec., 2012 when the world is to come to an end or the Antichrist is to be elected, etc., etc. We Lutherans have ever had to challenge this approach to Holy Scriptures in the name of the Gospel. In turn, we are being challenged for closing our eyes to the momentous events in current history (1947, the founding of Israel, UFOs in Roswell, NM, planet X, etc.) that all point to the imminent Second Coming, Rapture, Armaggedon, the Millenium, etc., etc.

In Mark 12 we read that Jesus was also challenged on every side for his teaching, e.g. about paying taxes to the Roman government and about the resurrection from the dead. One of the scribe/theologians underlined Jesus' answers by complimenting him for telling the truth. Jesus, in turn, told the scribe that he was not far from the Kingdom of God. Jesus' answers shut all the rest of them down for the moment. Then he deepened his answers with a challenging question for them to answer.

I invite you to read that chapter, because it is high time that we Lutherans loudly proclaim clearer and wise answers to the growing confusion about the end times. Such theology ultimately leads believers into the sin of pride for being in-the-know. In days gone by, this was called the heresy of gnosticism. Many others are thereby captured by the giant called Despair and locked in the Doubting castle.

There are other similar theological questions that beg to be answered. Answers from God's Word must be provided to Christians tempted by lust, pride, despair and doubt and many other modern sins.

This is why I pray that the Reclaiming Our Heritage project grow and expand. In turn I challenge other Lutheran pastors and teachers to join me on this Blog, to lift up the peculiar Lutheran emphasis upon grace, faith and the Word of God. Lutherans also emphasize the correct division of Law and Gospel. More and more it seems that we are among the few who do. Witness the vast confusion of Law and Gospel in the multitudinous teachings about the End Times.

If you relate to what I am writing and would like to contribute to this Blog as well as to the ROH Ezine, please let me know. I can easily change the photos, add more links and bios, share the password and open these pages to those of you who agree with the Lutheran perspective. I'd love to hear from you. I also thank those Lutherans who are laboring diligently in other areas of this vast and complex cyberworld.

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