Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Wisdom of God

Earlier, I said I was reworking a study of 1 Corinthians. I've veered from that pursuit for a few weeks. I'd like to return to take a look at something Paul says in 1 Corinthians 2:

"For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified" (v.2).

Now that I have the Internet, I wander in fifteen directions, all at one twenty minute setting. Brilliant and learned people want to tell me how to live, what to eat, what magic drug or herb to swallow, what the future holds and who to vote for -- and none agrees with the other. So where does that leave me? Often vastly confused. For all the wisdom of this world, I might as well stay off the Net and toss a coin instead.

Now relate that to matters of the soul, the forgiveness of sins, faith in God and hope for eternity. Where do I turn?

Paul admits in this chapter that he wasn't much of a public speaker. He did not present himself as a brilliant philosopher. Instead he focused upon one thing: "Jesus Christ and him crucified." What's his point?

Behind each word in this phrase is a history recorded in Holy Scripture.

1. Jesus - The Gospels tell us the story of Jesus, his birth, his parents, his ancestry, the place of his birth, where he grew up and how he lived. All of this is critical to my life and yours.

2. Christ - The Greek equivalent of the Hebrew Messiah. Here is the story of the Covenant with God's chosen people, the long history of their belief and unbelief, culminating in the renewed promise to David that one of his descendants would reign forever. The Anointed King would come, said the prophecy, and set up an eternal kingdom.

3. Him crucified - But when He came, he was rejected by His own people. And yet, and yet, they could not thwart the plan of God, foreknown centuries before. The promised Messiah came and died, but God raised Him up on the third day and thus confirmed that Jesus of Nazareth is His Son. He who came once is coming again and when He does, He will raise up His children to live with Him in eternal glory.

This, Paul writes, is his message. This is profound, godly wisdom. Herein lies the wisdom hidden for ages, but revealed now in these last days.

When I am confused, troubled, muddled and overwhelmed by the so-called wisdom of the world, I retreat to this wisdom of God to find comfort in the truth of Jesus. He died upon the cross for me. He is coming again soon. When he comes I and all who put their faith and trust in Him will rise to live in perfected bodily life forever.

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