Monday, April 19, 2010

Let's Run in the Rain

It was somewhere around ten days after the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. Seven of his disciples had returned to the great inland Sea of Tiberias in the northern province of Galilee. At the urging of Simon Peter they decided one night to go fishing, but caught nothing. As dawn was breaking, Jesus stood on the shore, but they did not recognize him (John 21:1-14). They had not yet learned to run in the rain. Let me explain.

A young mother was shopping with her six-year old daughter in Walmart. As they stepped outside to go to their car the skies opened and it began to rain. They hesitated under the store canopy as the rain gushed down in great torrents in front of them. The little girl tugged at her mother's arm and asked with excitement, "Mommy, can we run in the rain?"

Her mother replied, "No baby, it's too dangerous. We'll get all wet and we might fall and hurt ourselves."

By this time a small crowd had joined them. Impatiently, the little one continued, "But Mommy, we'll be alright. This morning you said at breakfast that God would get us through Daddy's cancer treatments and if he can do that he can get us through anything. Come on, Mommy, let's run in the rain."

What could she say? The crowd waited. Suddenly, Mommy grabbed her daughter's hand and shouted, "Let's do it!" And away they ran, skipping through puddles and around cars, laughing all the way to their car. A moment later, several others joined them, laughing with delight like children. They had all learned to run in the rain.

We who believe that Jesus is indeed risen from the grave have now his joyous promise to be ever with us to forgive, guide and protect. In the power of that faith let us join hands and learn to run in the rain! 

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