Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Bend Your Knees To The Great Singularity, King Of All

We're talking about the so-called Singularity, an event that will supposedly occur sometime during the next 25 years. Check my previous post for details. In that post I suggest that we Christians have not even begun to address this new challenge to our faith. What approach shall we take? One approach I shall not undertake is to attempt to refute whether it will or will not occur. I am not a scientist and have only enough experience with computers to make my way around the internet in a minimal manner. My expertise lies in theology. For that reason I propose that we see all this talk about the Singularity for what it is: an attempt to create another god and to redefine human nature.

When our Lord Jesus began his public ministry after his baptism he was confronted by the devil after fasting 40 days and nights. He was hungry. In that condition the devil tempted him to turn stones into bread and tempt his Father to rescue him upon leaping from the pinnacle of the temple, some 700 feet above the Kidron valley. When he resisted these temptations with quotations from the Holy Scriptures, the devil finally offered him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory.

And he said to him, "All these I will give you, if you will fall down and worship me." Then Jesus said to him, "Be gone, Satan! For it is written, "'You shall worship the Lord your God and him only shall you serve.'" - Mat 4:9-10 ESV
This is what Satan is again doing with the promises of the Singularity. With this power all the world will fall before your feet. Imagine the glory, the wonder and the unimaginable splendor of having such power. With your endless knowledge you will be able to control everything and everyone in the entire world. No car will be able to move without your permission. No grid will be able to deliver power to a city without your approval. No airport will be open unless you allow it. Food and drink will be under your control. You will even control when the wind blows and where the rain falls. Politicians and rulers will beg for your good will. You will be the master and ruler of all the kingdoms of the world.

And you will be immortal. Your mind, your consciousness will be in an endless computer network. You will decide how and where to use your power, a power that will continue to grow exponentially. Nothing and no one will be able to harm you, because you will  endlessly repair any and all damage to yourself. You may choose to walk about in a body. Or you may prefer to act, think and exist without a body, in cyberspace, traveling anywhere at the speed of light, with constant access to all knowledge and power.

Never before has such wonder and glory been available. But very soon it will be under the control of you and other singularitarians. Great Singularity will provide it. All you need do is fall on your knees and worship him. Turn away from the nonsensical and outmoded thinking about some other god above, beyond and outside this universe, some supposed creator of all things. Acknowledge the rational truth. The universe is all there is. We are all products of a chance happening untold billions of years ago when somehow, in some yet to be discovered way, the vast process of evolution began. How that happened we will one day learn as our intelligence grows. Meanwhile know that over these billions of years the process has moved on until in this moment it is moving forward exponentially toward the great Singularity! And you can be a part of that wonder.  The power released in that moment will be yours if you but embrace it.

Forget all the empty blather about some God speaking forth a universe with His Word, saying, "Let there be . . . etc." Forget those childish stories about a chosen group of Hebrews conquering a promised land. Forget the crazy stuff about an anointed king who was to rescue and redeem the world from his Father's judgment. And laugh your heart out at the tales of a little boy child born of a virgin, a child who was God with us, Emmanuel. It all sounds quaint and folksy, but it didn't happen. This nonsense and all that other stuff about religion and faith is for immature minds.

Come, join me. Worship our true god and live forever!

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