"And to the angel of the church in Thyatira write: 'The words of the Son of God, who has eyes like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burnished bronze. "'I know your works, your love and faith and service and patient endurance, and that your latter works exceed the first. But I have this against you, that you tolerate that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess and is teaching and seducing my servants to practice sexual immorality and to eat food sacrificed to idols. I gave her time to repent, but she refuses to repent of her sexual immorality. Behold, I will throw her onto a sickbed, and those who commit adultery with her I will throw into great tribulation, unless they repent of her works, and I will strike her children dead. And all the churches will know that I am he who searches mind and heart, and I will give to each of you according to your works. But to the rest of you in Thyatira, who do not hold this teaching, who have not learned what some call the deep things of Satan, to you I say, I do not lay on you any other burden. Only hold fast what you have until I come. The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father. And I will give him the morning star. He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.' - Rev 2:18-29 ESVWhat does that tell us about the LORD Jesus? We've heard him pictured that way earlier (Rev. 1:14-15). Note carefully that John does not write that his eyes were flames of fire, but rather that they were like fire. The same is true for his feet that were like bronze. The point? Fire and bronze are symbols. When Israel left Egypt they were under the protection of the LORD who went before them as a pillar of cloud by day to guide and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light (Exod 13:21-22). Before the Exodus the angel of the LORD appeared to Moses in a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush (Exod 3:2). I take it that the LORD's flaming eyes point us to the fact that He sees ahead. He knows all and is ever leading His children on their journeys to the Father's House.
The word for burnished bronze (χαλκολίβανον) is a technical term used by metal workers. It is a compound word, probably referring to some metal alloy, shining like gold, if not more precious. The same man appeared to Daniel with feet like burnished, shining bronze (Dan. 10:6). He is no mere mortal, but the great I AM who rules in splendor and power over all.
The church in Thyatira is made up of people who love and trust in this their LORD and serve Him with patient endurance. But the congregation had a fault. They tolerated that woman Jezebel. They put up with her. Or is the reference to the pastor himself putting up with her? Could she even have been his wife? The text is not clear. The point, however, is clear. This Jezebel character was allowed to prophesy and teach among them and her teaching was leading the LORD's servants astray. They were committing acts of immorality and eating things sacrificed to idols.
The woman is called Jezebel and thus compared to the Old Testament Queen, the Phoenician woman married to King Ahab. She corrupted Israel with the many whoredoms and sorceries of her country's gods, Baal and Astarte (1 Kings 16:31-33; 2 Kings 9:22). So this contemporary Jezebel led the Thyatiran Christians into idolatry with her teaching. The LORD gave her time to repent of her prostitution—a word that likely also refers to idolatry. This was a common way for the prophets to speak about Israel, the bride of the LORD, as she turned again and again to false idols (Hos. 1:2).
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Jezebel and Naboth |
The problem these Christians faced was tied to their livelihood. The various guilds gathered for feasts and ceremonies in the pagan temples. There they ate the meat of animals sacrificed to their gods. This was a real dilemma. What were believers to do? If they did not participate in the feasts they would probably be shut out of their guilds. They would lose their way of making a living. Consequently they faced economic suicide. The same questions must be faced by every generation of Christians. How far shall we go to accept and adopt the morality, the standards and the practices of the world in which we live? And what happens when we refuse to do so?
Some called this teaching in that day the deep things of Satan? The temptation to pursue such deep things continues. Satan tempted our first parents, challenging them to question the LORD's Word (Gen. 3:1-5). In the same manner he and his teachers continue to this day to tempt us by suggesting that there are unexplored deep things to be learned from complete sexual licentiousness, from the hidden knowledge of the gnostics, from knowledge obtained through astrology and contact with ancient spirits. These teachings are still around and still used by Satan to destroy faith in Christ.
However, two rewards are promised to those who conquer these temptations, who keep the LORD's works until the end (Matt. 24:13; John 8:31-32; Heb 10:38-39). Those who do not hold to this teaching will in the end receive authority over the nations and the morning star. What does that mean?
Hold fast! The word from the LORD:
The one who conquers and who keeps my works until the end, to him I will give authority over the nations, and he will rule them with a rod of iron, as when earthen pots are broken in pieces, even as I myself have received authority from my Father.This is the consistent promise throughout the Revelation. There is a great battle going on between the Kingdom of God and the kingdoms of this world led by Satan and his forces. But the satanic forces are doomed, even though at times they seem to be the conquerors (Rev. 11:16-18; 14:8-20; 19:13-21; 20:9-15). The saints, those washed in the Lamb's blood, will reign forever with Him.
And they will receive the morning star ! The morning star is the planet Venus appearing in the eastern sky at sunrise as the herald of the new day after a night of darkness. It was the symbol of victory and of imperial authority in Roman legions.
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Symbol associated with Roman goddess Venus |
we have Baal-Astarte religion today.....Supreme court decisions as to what is marriage, efforts to lift bans re Boy Scout leadership, infusion in society of "Hollywood"morals,etc. .......(h.a.h.)