Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Miracle of the failed assassination of former President Donald Trump

 I watched on TV most of the sessions of the Republican National Convention this week. Donald Trump's speech concluded the gathering with his acceptance of the convention's nomination of him as the next President of the United States. In his opening remarks he shared his feelings about escaping a sniper's attempt to assassinate him. He views it as a miracle of God that he is still alive and a call to the Republican party to move forward with the items on their platform. 

The final day of the convention was very much like a Christian  revival meeting with prayers, personal testimonies and a fiery sermon by the revival leader (a.k.a Donald Trump). Every delegate left the convention pumped and determined to follow their candidate to victory. 

As a personal follow up I opened Netflix to view the movie Trump again last evening. As I watched I was reminded that the former President is a flawed man--like us all. He has had numerous problems in his three mariages and in his multimillion dollar business empire. Despite it all he calls upon our nation to move forward. He believes we can make America Great again (MAGA).

The question is now whether he can convince the majority of our nation to follow him into the future. 

I am thankful to Almighty God for saving the life of our former president. I also pray to our Heavenly Father to protect him in the future. If it is the will of the Father that Donald Trump should serve again as our nation's leader I pray that He grant Donald wisdom and courage. These are difficult and dangerous times. My further prayer is that Donald receive the humility to confess his sins along with the rest of us and receive forgiveness in Christ. And finally I encourage you to join me in prayer as you read these words. 

Friday, March 4, 2022

What Does Our LORD Look Like?

On November 27, 2018 a dramatically new phase in my life began. It has taken the past three years for me to recover from it. A deep darkness closed around me, darkness that I had never personally known even though I had as Pastor over the years walked up to that unknown with scores of fellow believers as they gazed into it and then went forward, unafraid.

At 8:00 a.m. that Tuesday morning I stood before the lifeless body of my beloved, my helpmate, my companion for 61 years, my encourager, the mother of our three children, but she was not there. As I kissed her lips I knew that she had quietly walked through the valley of the shadow of death and into the Father's house! And a great emptiness filled my soul. What was I to do without her? How to go on?

Perhaps as you read these words you know of what I write. You know what it means to say goodby to a loved one, a dear friend, a child, a spouse, a parent. You know about the emptiness and loneliness that follows. I have only to remind you of it. 

Jesus and His angels are always with us as we walk towards the Father's house. Did He not say, "I am with you always, even to the end of the age?" I spoke about this today with one of the nurses who care for me as I spend my days and nights at John Knox Village, a wonder-ful retirement home here in south Texas. One of the questions she has is what Jesus looks like. Have we not all wondered that as well? Then she pointed me to the website of Akiane Kramarik a young artist who says that our LORD visited her and enabled her to paint His picture. You can find images of her many paintings, as well as the LORD Himself online at

 Copies of her art and especially of her painting of Jesus are available online. 

Let me know what you think. Does our resurrected LORD look like Akiane's painting?

Saturday, October 21, 2017

To keep up to date on my activities as the author of the Albert and Tillie Mystery series, check out my new website:
The first book in the series, The Spiral Bridge, has been edited, revised and made ready for re-publishing.

Also Like my Facebook page to be updated through social media.