Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Fishing From The Bridge

The second edition of our new Ezine, Reclaming Our Heritage, is online. I'm happy to have a number of my friends writing and contributing, but now the real challenges begin. How do we promote this thing? What's going to pull people to us? With these questions haunting my waking and sleeping hours I decided to re-visit some websites I had dropped in before. Here's what I'm finding.

What are most people searching for online? Especially, what about those who are not Christians?

For starters, people search for things that interest them! I do that. So do you.

So if we want to reach people we must develop a 'Bridge Strategy'. That simply means that the more apparently secular in its appearance, the better it will communicate with those with no Christian background. It also works with those who have some Christian background. I gather that this is what the Apostle Paul meant when he said he wanted to be all things to all men: "To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some" ( 1 Cor. 9:22)

With this strategy in mind, I'd like us to write about . . .
• Sports
• Health
• Sex and relationships
• Advice on personal problems
• Families
• Hobbies
• Humor
• Films
• Music
• News-related issues
• Famous people

Presenting yet another Bible study is not going to reach many of them, unless we "fish on the other side" by meeting them where they are currently swimming, engaging them in conversation and then proceeding to show them how that very Bible they've ignored and the Christian faith they've only heard about has answers to their concerns.

Understand me correctly. I'm not selling the Holy Spirit short. I'm not suggesting that this or any other ezine or website in and of itself can create faith. Only Christ and the Spirit can do that. However, I am pointing out that we are in a whole new world with the advent of this technology and we are called upon to be there, bearing witness to Jesus, just as Paul was doing in Corinth and Athens and Rome.

If you happen to stumble across these words and are interested in what we're doing, I'd sure love to hear from you.

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