Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sackcloth and Ashes

We entered the season of Lent with Ash Wednesday this week. Tomorrow we gather for worship under the banner of the First Sunday in Lent. I found the following lyrics on First Things for 2008 and again in their Blog this year. The author, Nathaniel Peters, only says that it was written by a friend of his. Whoever that person is, he holds forth some interesting irony for the rest of us to contemplate.

The lyrics can be sung to the tune of “These Are a Few of My Favorite Things.”

Sackcloth and ashes and days without eating,
Mortification and wailing and weeping,
A hair shirt that scratches, a nettle that stings—
These are a few of my favorite things!

Penitence, flagellants, memento mori,
Spending nights sleeping on rocks in a quarry,
The sound of a cloaked solemn cantor who sings—
These are still more of my favorite things!

Tossing and turning and yearning, I’m spurning!
Passions aflame like an ember-day burning,
Corpus and carnis and wild drunken flings—
Forsaken are they for my favorite things!

When it’s Christmas,
When the tree’s lit,
When the cards are sent . . .
I simply remember my favorite things—
And then I can’t waaaaaaaaait ’til Lent!

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