Thursday, December 10, 2009

Jesus is Savior—Hitler Never Was.

The angel announced to the Christmas shepherd that on that very day their Savior, the Messiah/Christ had been born in Bethlehem, the city of the original and great king, David (Luke 2:8-12).

The Greek term for savior was Soter, a name given to gods men believed would continue to protect them and their countries. It was also given to kings, princes and, in general, to anyone who had acted to save the land and protect its people. Thus the Israelites, in Greek fashion, might have called King David their savior. Now, however, the angel announced that David's descendant, the true and eternal Lord, had come to rescue His people from their great enemies—sin, death and the dark powers led by the devil.

I find it fascinating and disturbing that the Nazis adopted and adapted this term for Adolf Hitler. For millions of Germans in the 1920s and 30s Hitler was their Savior. He was widely beloved, adored and worshipped. Some even suggested that he was the avatar of one of the Hindu gods, making him into a kind of deity. Everyone in Nazi Germany was required to greet one another with the well known raised right arm, open handed salute and the words Heil Hitler! The salute has been used since the end of WW II by neo-Nazis. Their abbreviation for it is 88—8 pointing to the eighth letter in the alphabet, H.

In German the word Heil means salvation. The verb heilen means to heal. Thus a Heiland is a healer or savior. Heiland was the term well known to the German Christian community as the name for Jesus. Hitler accepted this greeting and commanded it. The Heil was more than merely hale, as in our 'hale and hearty'. It meant that the gods or God had given Germany a Savior and his name was Hitler—Heil Hitler! Salvation has come to our nation.

This bit of recent history is a sober reminder that we must never allow a man to be so worshipped and adored, regardless of his leadership.