Saturday, January 2, 2010

My Internet New Year’s Resolutions

I really like Paul McCain's New Year's Internet activity resolutions for 2010. Paul is a Lutheran Pastor of the Missouri Synod and the Publisher at Concordia Publishing House, where he is also the Executive Director of their Editorial Division.

Here's what Paul writes:

1) Pay far less attention to toxic web discussions and groups. I have wasted too much time reading, and at times, attempting to respond, to Internet discussions that accomplish nothing. I will be ignoring a host of Internet sites and blogs in the new year that contribute nothing, in my opinion, other than incessant squabbling and obsessive-compulsive focus on majoring in minors.

2) Pay far less attention to the incessant and pointless chatter on the Internet about social media. I am dropping a number of social media blog sites that do nothing but blog about blogging, or tweet about twittering. These sites confuse style with substance. Substance always loses. It strikes me that with most of these kinds of activities on the Internet, those who can, do. Those who can’t, blog about how to do it.

3) Focus more on positive outreach with the revolutionary good news, as it is most beautifully articulated by confessional Lutheranism.

As I look back on 2009 I recall my resolution to work through some in depth discussions of Christian teachings, based upon Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions. In addition to that I determined to re-read these same sixteenth century Confessions, also known as the Book of Concord. I did not put myself on any timeline, but chose rather to go as far as I felt I could on any given day. It was a fascinating journey and I learned many things. 

Here's my report. I read three volumes of Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics (vols. IX, XI and XII) and most, but not all of the Book of Concord. I made it to the Formula of Concord.

Here are my resolutions for 2010:

1) Following Paul McCain's example, I too will focus upon positive outreach with the good news of Jesus Christ and avoid pointless chatter.

2) I too will not waste my time with toxic web discussions and groups. Both in this Blog and in our ROH monthly Ezine by the same name as this Blog I will continue to focus upon that which builds up and encourages, rather than creates further division and dissension.

3) I will continue to read volumes of Confessional Lutheran Dogmatics. I'm currently at work on volume XIII, Eschatology by Dr. John R. Stephenson. I also want to work through the Formula of Concord and try to understand how we can use that formula for peace and harmony (concord) in our day.

4) As I continue this journey, I will do more to share some of the wonderful insights granted to me by the Holy Spirit at work in the WORD of God.

I thank those of you who have taken the time out of your busy schedules to read these words during the year past. I look forward to walking with you in the year before us.

To God be all the glory!