Friday, January 1, 2010

Prayer For The New Year

Last evening, the Eve of the New Year, I joined fellow  believers in worship, adoration and prayer. As we begin a new year I invite you who read these words to join me and millions of other Christians in prayer as we end the year past and enter another by God's grace.

The following prayer is available for the eve of the new year in the Let Us Pray archives of the Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod: 

P  God did not spare His own Son but gave Him up for us all. He promises that nothing in all creation will separate us from His love in Christ. Therefore, we lift our prayers before His throne of grace, trusting that along with His Son, He will graciously give to us all things.
 [Silence for reflection and individual prayer.]
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, give us a never-ending faith in Your Son whose very name "Jesus" proclaims that He has come to save us from our sins. You have warned us that the Son of Man is coming again at an hour we do not expect. Stir our hearts so that we remain spiritually awake, watchful, and prepared. Give us a hope in Christ that looks forward to His return with a confidence that knows that You have made us sons of God through faith in Him. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, we praise You for Your care and goodness to us during the past year, and we beg You during the year ahead to provide us with food, shelter, and clothing; good weather, good government, and good crops; peace in our world, prosperity in our nation, and harmony in our communities; faithful friends, loving families, a caring congregation; and everything we need to enjoy the life You have given us in this world. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, we thank You for sending Your Son to shed His infant blood and place Himself under Your Law. We praise You for Your grace that allowed Him to fulfill that Law for us and so remove from us its condemning accusations. You have promised that as many of us as have been baptized into Christ, have put on Christ. Let His righteousness, in which we have been clothed, be evident in the words we speak and the way we live our lives this year and always. As You have pledged, do not let tribulation or distress or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword separate us from You and Your love. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, bless our country with business, education, industry, and charity that serve humanity and further Your purposes. Rescue us from conflict, arrogance, famine, and despair. Guide us to choose godly leaders for our nation, and give our leaders discernment to know what is right and courage to do what is right. Give us trust in times of trouble and gratitude in times of plenty. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, come to the aid of those who need healing, [including ________]. Assure them of Your mercy, give them patience, relieve their pain, restore their health, and grant them a confident trust in You. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord of the past, present, and future, forgive our sins of this day and this year. Do not hold our offenses against us, but show us Your mercy. Enable us to lead holy lives according to Your commandments. Give us a thirst for learning Your Word and joy as we receive Your sacraments. With Christ's body and blood, prepare us for life in the coming year as Your redeemed and holy people. Now and in the new year,
C  Lord, be with us.
P  Lord, bless us and keep us, make Your face shine on us and be gracious to us, lift up Your countenance on us, and give us peace. We pray in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, with whom You and the Holy Spirit live and reign as one God, now and forever.
C  Amen.