The Magi saw a strange star and followed it, based upon their understanding of the mystic science of astrology. In past postings I discussed both astrology and numerology. In those blogs I left some questions unanswered. Of what use are these portions of Scripture to us? Below are the links to those blogs. Check them out for further information about how some in our day still turn to astrology, claiming even that the entire Christian Gospel is hidden in the stars.
Looking back on 2012 we remember a number of wacky predictions. The craziest was that the ancient Mayan calendar predicted the end of the world on December 21, 2012. And don't forget "the best disaster movie ever" —2012! According to that movie a few of us humans survive to carry on the species. A few billion of us have, but where was the world wide disaster? You can now get your own copy of 2012 in Blu-ray DVD to watch without fear.
Some other "prophets" told us that the antichrist would start to appear on May 7, 2012. Of course, we won't really know him, they said, until this year or the next. Sometime during this year or the next Pope Benedict XVI will die and a black man will be named pope in his place. Further, whether you recognized it or not, Dec. 21 marked the beginning of the final 3 1/2 years leading up to Armageddon.
Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation are always the favorite biblical sources. The favorite psychic is Nostradamus. There are literally hundreds of other books and websites arguing, warning, promising disasters and world-wide change. So it has been all during the 2,000 plus years that the Gospel has been proclaimed.
In order to gain some perspective on all of this as we walk into 2013 I humbly suggest that we listen in again to a conversation between the Lord Jesus and his disciples. I referred to it in a blog back in November, 2012: He Is With Us Always, To The End. In the next couple days I suggest that we study in detail Jesus' words recorded in Matthew 24:1-51. In part Jesus said,
Some other "prophets" told us that the antichrist would start to appear on May 7, 2012. Of course, we won't really know him, they said, until this year or the next. Sometime during this year or the next Pope Benedict XVI will die and a black man will be named pope in his place. Further, whether you recognized it or not, Dec. 21 marked the beginning of the final 3 1/2 years leading up to Armageddon.
Daniel, Ezekiel and Revelation are always the favorite biblical sources. The favorite psychic is Nostradamus. There are literally hundreds of other books and websites arguing, warning, promising disasters and world-wide change. So it has been all during the 2,000 plus years that the Gospel has been proclaimed.
In order to gain some perspective on all of this as we walk into 2013 I humbly suggest that we listen in again to a conversation between the Lord Jesus and his disciples. I referred to it in a blog back in November, 2012: He Is With Us Always, To The End. In the next couple days I suggest that we study in detail Jesus' words recorded in Matthew 24:1-51. In part Jesus said,
And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray. And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end will be saved. - Mat 24:11-13 ESVCheck back tomorrow—assuming, of course, that our Lord has not returned before then.
Looking forward to your exegesis of Matthew 24.