Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Man Is Made In The Image Of God

Using the ancient church father Athanasius of Alexandria, we continue our study of Christ's coming among us in human flesh and blood. We continue to ask, Why did the eternal Word of God, by whom and for whom all things were and are made become a man?

As noted above, we children of Adam and Eve are not merely highly developed animals. We are made in the image and likeness of God (Gen. 1:26; Eph. 4:24). It was His original intention that through this gift of God-likeness in ourselves we might be able to perceive Him who is the very Image of God in all its fullness, namely the Lord Christ. This is what Paul writes as he speaks of Christ.
He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together. - Col 1:15-17 ESV
To know Christ is to know our Maker and Creator. And through knowing and believing in Christ we come to know His Father, for to see Christ is to see, to know and rejoice in the Father. And to be in fellowship with the Father is what a happy and blessed life is all about. So Jesus taught His disciples that He came to reveal the Father.
. . . not that anyone has seen the Father except he who is from God; he has seen the Father. - John 6:46 ESV 
Philip said to him, "Lord, show us the Father, and it is enough for us." Jesus said to him, "Have I been with you so long, and you still do not know me, Philip? Whoever has seen me has seen the Father. How can you say, 'Show us the Father'? Do you not believe that I am in the Father and the Father is in me? The words that I say to you I do not speak on my own authority, but the Father who dwells in me does his works. Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves. - Jhn 14:8-11 ESV
But what do we foolish men do? We invent other gods to worship. We worship the creature rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:25). Primitive men worship objects of wood and stone to this very day. Sophisticated, scientifically oriented men worship objects they themselves have made, like powerful cars, airplanes, computers and ultimately themselves. They kneel before great athletes, pop stars, physicians, wise men, scientists and—yes—even politicians to offer their children and their wealth. These idols are the guides and source of wisdom. And when they fail men turn to astrology, palm readings and tarot cards to unlock the future and to learn how to live.

Yet while all this goes on the very heavens above us declare by day and by night the glory and wonder the God who spoke His Word and called all this into existence, as the King David said.
The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. - Psa 19:1-4 ESV
However, as is the rule rather than the exception, men study the sky, the weather, the stars and the immensity of the universe, but do not worship and honor the Creator. Surely such study should lead them to recognize the eternal Creator who brought it into being and continues to rule over it (Rom. 1:20), but it does not. Instead, many who ponder it's wonder, merely celebrate its complexity and refuse to give thanks to the Creator of it all. They reject even the idea that there is a Creator. As one atheist puts it, "The truth is that an atheistic worldview is at least as compatible with the human sense of spirituality as any religious worldview is." What the author means by spirituality is unclear.

Beyond that the Creator has given us His Law, written first on human hearts. Our philosophers and law makers speak about natural law. They claim that there is a rule of right and wrong written in our hearts and natures, a law that accuses and excuses our actions. Many wise men, dating back to the days of the ancient Greeks, have written about it. Much can be learned from their writings. Thousands of laws are wisely based upon these writings. But do these laws lead men to the true God? Does natural law cause men to ask who put it into human hearts and lead men to humble worship and obedience? Obviously not, because our world bulges with law breakers.

To make His will even more clear God revealed His Law through His prophets. The Jews were entrusted with such oracles (Rom. 3:1-2; Gen. 17:4-5) They were not to keep them to themselves, but to spread them throughout the world. They were commissioned to lead men to worship the one true God and Father of all.

Three ways are thus open to all men to obtain the knowledge of God.
  1. The harmony and wonder of creation should lead men to know the Creator, the Word of the heavenly Father who rules over and guides all things. To know Him is to know the Father. 
  2. Wise men know about natural law. It is written in men's hearts. Surely men should acknowledge that a Creator has put His Law within us.  
  3. Finally God has revealed His holy Law through Israel's prophets. They offer us all a sacred school of the knowledge of God and how to live a spiritual life. 
In spite of all this the Word of God is not acknowledged and honored. The worship of idols, the pursuit of pleasure and power and the love of the creatures continues to this very moment. And yet every man, woman and child on this earth is made in the Image of God, created to reflect the Word of God in all they say and do. Granted, the Image is clouded and the knowledge of God is hidden, but the fact remains. Men are not mere animals. They are made in God's Image. How then should God free His children from this slavery to the lies of all the multitude of idols and the deception of evil spirits led by the god of this world (2 Cor. 4:4)? Men cannot, for they are only made after the Image. They are not the Image Himself. Angels cannot do it, for they are not made in the Image of God. So who is left? Only He who is the very Image of the heavenly Father (Col. 1:15-17; Hebrews 1:1-4). Only He can recreate man after the Image.

I will take up the process of re-creation in my next post.  



So what do you think? I would love to see a few words from you.