Monday, July 15, 2013

Would God Lead Us Into Temptation?

Why on earth should I pray, "Our Father . . . lead us not into temptation?" Does the Father in heaven ever lead anyone into temptation? And if so, why? Surely He would not want to tempt us to disobey Himself or turn our backs upon Him. And if not, why does the LORD Jesus teach us such a prayer. Is He misleading us and not really suggesting that our Father would want to lead us into temptation?

I'm confused.

Let's take another look at this petition.

Once the disciples came to Jesus, asking his opinion about who was the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Jesus called a child to join them and then said, "Whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." Then he went on to warn about temptations to sin—or to be more precise, stumbling blocks along the path.
"For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes! - Mat 18:7 ESV
Necessary? Perhaps inevitable is a better translation, because of the ways of the world and the people that live in it. What else could we expect? The ordered world of men is opposed to the will and plan of God. It is filled with skandala, the Greek word for the movable trigger of a trap, a trap stick. It refers to anything set up along one's path of life that might cause you to stumble or be caught. It may be either that trap stick or a stone set in the way. Metaphorically it refers to any person or event or anything by which you are drawn into sin, unbelief or rejection of the LORD. Once the trap door drops you're caught and cannot get away.

This is why Paul warns, for instance, about those who love to cause dissension and divisions among members of the Body of Christ. They love to set up traps that are contrary to the teachings we learned from our fathers and teachers. They're not at all interested in building up your faith in Jesus, Paul says. All they're really interested in is themselves and what's in it for them. So they use smooth, apparently profound and wise talk, mixed with flattery. It sounds so very learned, so intelligent, so very interesting—so modern. In this manner they deceive the hearts of those untrained to sort out their deceptions, those Paul calls the naive (Romans 16:17-18).

So back to our prayer. Why does our Father in heaven bring us into such situations? Whatever for? I suppose that's really another way of saying, Why doesn't He simply pluck us up and take us completely out of the world to some place where there is no temptation to sin? But of course that's quite impossible, is it not? Fly to a deserted island in the Pacific and you'll still have your own sinful heart, to say nothing of the demons assigned to lead you away from your LORD. As long as we live in this present world we will have such struggles and stresses. Listen to Jesus.
In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world. - John 16:33 ESV
Temptations to sin are inevitable in this world. The fight will go on! There is no escaping it. We're in a war. So we pray for help to overcome the world. Teach us how to fight. Teach us the ways of the enemy. Arm us, train us, equip us for this war. And give us victory today!

More about the battle in my next post.

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