Thursday, September 17, 2009

Runes, Alphabet of Mystery

Runes, Alphabet of Mystery

People learned a long time ago how to communicate by symbols to form words and sentences, but do the symbols have magical power?

This is an amazingly complicated question, one often ignored and even rejected in this modern, scientific age. Paul Roland in his discussion of the dark forces unleashed by the Nazi Third Reich tells about a phoney German aristocrat, Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorf (real name: Adam A.R. Glauer). He had an insidious influence upon German politics leading up to the Nazi era.

"One of the first periodicals to promote what could be called occult nationalism was funded by Sebottendorf. Runen (Runes) featured articles on occult science, earth mysteries, rune lore and racial somatology," writes Roland (p. 23-24). Many of the Nazi leaders believed this information.

Consider but one rune (there are many, depending on your source).

How strange and unbelievable you may say. Who believes in such power? Surely words do not have magical power over lives and destiny. 

Phonetic Value




f as in "fire" - This rune may have many meanings if you cast it out randomly before you. For instance, it can refer to possessions won or earned, earned income, luck. Abundance, financial strength in the present or near future. It is also a sign of hope and plenty, success and happiness. Social success. Energy, foresight, fertility, creation/destruction (becoming). Fehu Reversed or Merkstave: Loss of personal property, esteem, or something that you put in effort to keep. It indicates some sort of failure. Greed, burnout, atrophy, discord. Cowardice, stupidity, dullness, poverty, slavery, bondage.

I beg you to consider what dark power the runes had in the decades leading up to and including the Nazi era. Perhaps you will have to reconsider your 'scientific' conclusions. On the other hand, you may question the research done by Roland. 

This much you will have to admit: there is still much interest in the topic. For instance:

A Google search of "nazis and the occult" reveals 227,000 results. 


  1. Because of the taint of sin, humans become 'animistic', and this can be found in the background of almost every culture, tribe of the past, and can be found also in our present time. Call it animism, or whatever, but such practiced belief assumes that objects are possessed by 'spirits', or have some 'magical' power in the ways they are used, or they are given some partiular power by a specially appointed or self-appointed person.
    The symbols of the zodiac even today are considered harbingers of good luck, fortune, or the opposite. Newspapers offer horoscope readings which are religiously followed by sophisticated, college-educated people who have 'star' power (pun not intended). It's nothing new.
    God had something to say about this to His people of Old Testament times. Note Isaiah 8:18-20; Is. 44:25; Is. 47:12-15 (sanctified sarcasm about astrologies ); Is. 48:3-5; Is. 57:3-13 (God is excoriating the peoples' trust in, and practices in connection with fetishes, magic, symbols, even making fun of them in 57:13.) Jeremiah 7:18; Jer.10:2ff.; Jer. 44:15-19.
    The 'old Adam" remains superstitious, even delights in these things, for the old evil foe delights in man using symbols, magic, amulets, 'signs'. Practitioners imagine it will bring 'good luck' or they delve in the use of them as a kind of 'defensive' mechanism AGAINST any evil, harm, or 'bad luck'.
    The symbols and signs which point to the living God and to Christ are not to be rejected. Sadly, this is what Carlstadt did, destroying altars and crosses and Christian symbols, while Luther was in Wartburg hiding from the papal threats. The Christian symbols do not have power in themselves, but call to mind what the powerful Word of God teaches. What a difference between the cross symbol and the swastika, between the cross and the ankh, for example!
    Harold A. Hein


So what do you think? I would love to see a few words from you.